Thursday, 5 March 2009

Brain Pain

Where i come from, mental health is not a topic people like to discuss. If the term 'mental health' was used in a conversation, most people will draw a picture of a 'nuthouse' in their heads. It has taken me some time to realise how common that our mental health can catch a 'cold' just like on physical health.

So, when we catch an average nose 'cold' we'll take some medication available at a drug store to make it go away. The equivalent on the mental side I reckon possibly some sort of counselling will be a good idea, or seeing a shrink if you can afford it. I'm not too sure whether drug prescriptions are a good idea personally but, with proper care and responsibility could be helpful.

The good side about seeing a shrink is that they're being paid to not judge you. This means that you'd be able to tell the doctor anything. In other words, you'll be obligated to be completely honest with them, this will obviously help those who have trouble confiding in those already around them, for any particular reason of course. Therefore, this will allow the doctor and patient to gather accurate data that may be helpful to diagnosing the problem and a possible remedy later on. Without honesty to oneself or another, all the necessary information required cannot be assessed. Possibly, increasing the level of HONESTY to all those around us may limit the problems that might arise in our daily lives.

I want to sum it up by saying that it is important for us to take care of our mental health just as much as our physical one. So, if you are ever feeling stressed out and have trouble telling someone, go see a counsellor beofre your life starts to deteriorate.

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