Monday 2 March 2009


The web definition of friend is someone you know well and regard with affection and trust.

Many of us have experienced the gaining and losing of friends. Until now, I have trouble differentiating the affections for different friends. Some friends we consider to be closer than the other, for some, anyone whos not an enemy is a friend.

A friend of mine believes that friends grow from our own choices (we choose who our friends are). I'm guessing its safe to say that most of us know how friendships are formed, my question is when do we know that a friendship is lost?

Let's go back to the web definition of friend. The following are the probable reasons when a friendship is lost:
1. You no longer KNOW the person you use to regard as a friend.
2. someone you have no affection for,
3. someone you no longer trust.

Now, imagine a hypothetical situation when you cannot find any of the qualities mentioned above in the people around you. This statement suggests that you have no friends. What do you do now?
Steps that could initiate friendship:
1. You have to get to know peoplev(possibly new ppl, 6bil. choices).
2. Let your affection for them grow.
3. Someone you can trust. (observation of their individual character may
suggest trustworthiness).

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